- PDFChat (beta): UI changes to pop-up and side-panel
- Applying markdown formatting for answers and memos
- Minor UI fixes
- Minor improvements to answer referencing quality
- Added memo feedback and message sharing functionality
- Minor improvements to memo quality
- Released Memo tab to autogenerate and display memo
- Released search history tab
- Added message sharing functionality
- Added Microsoft SSO Login
- Minor improvements to answer referencing quality
- Pointing all users to our main domain: candoo.ai
- Added a profile page to show/change/add information
- Changed plugin pop-up UI
1.5.0 (Beta)
- Improved backend conversational model
- Added multi-scroll feature: user can view multiple source paragraphs for a given answer
- Minor improvements on search functionality to maintain states between searches
- Introduced conversational feature on the side panel
- Added functionality to scroll to the main paragraph when the LLM answers
- Can add new words and phrases to a previously queried input and we will process them while keeping the previously-processed items intact
- Added ~1000 common legal phrases to our dictionary
- Better search capturing
- Refactored code to speed up backend
- Minor bug fixes
- Introduced logging and registration
- Pushed UI changes on logging, registration, email templates and CanDoo plugin pop-up
- Removed false-positive detections of structured statements
- Removed "on" and "to" from mapping to "Ontario" jurisdiction
- Made logic improvements to handle stopwords better
- Autodetects very few legal phrases but extracts and maintains them
- Introduced a centralized service to synchronize activies, enabling us to add/expand features without breaking anything
- Pointed plugin to a new endpoint
1.0.0 (Alpha)
- Conversion of keyword search text into structured query with synonyms
- Extracts absolute date(s) and range(s)
- Extracts a few canadian locations and populates the jurisdiction field
- Extracts cue words to change tabs accordingly
- Display a new CanDoo gold button on CanLII search bar
- Send and receive request from our backend server, populate document text field, and run CanLII grey search button