CanDoo (Beta) -
AI Legal Assistant you can trust

Transform your legal workflow with CanDoo, our AI-powered research assistant built for legal professionals. Find more relevant cases, faster and then sift through them at lightning speed while automating report writing.

Our patent-pending approach to AI models allows you to trust the answers generated by our CanDooAI.

CanDoo in action
CanDoo Search Demo
Automated Case Memos

Skip the note-taking, stick to giving expert opinions

Use CanDoo to extract all the relevant facts of the case and automate the process of drafting an easy to read, yet detailed research brief with citations.

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CanDoo Conversational Demo

Get Straight to the Important Facts

Let CanDoo dig into the document to save you time. Ask it to write you an email about the judgement or to summarize the case. Whatever you need to move fast.

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CanDoo Search Demo
PDF Upload (coming soon)

Work with your own data, in your own way

Use the secure and private CanDoo AI engine to analyze any sort of PDF document. Summarize your client communications, search through long-length claims, edit court documentation, and more!

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Download our Chrome Extension in seconds!

CanDoo is currently only available in the Chrome Webstore, with plans to expand in coming months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read about what we do and how it can help you!

What does CanDoo do?

CanDoo overlays on CanLII to create a more natural way to interact with the legal cases. CanDoo Search replaces your normal search query with something that the CanLII search engine understands better. This helps bring more relevant and better cases to the top of your search results. CanDoo Case-Chat allows you to converse and find relevant information quickly within a document on CanLII. Ask it to summarize the case for you, extract the facts, or write you a research memo!

How will CanDoo help me?

Between Search and Case-Chat, the main benefits which legal-professionals experience is finding better cases, faster. CanDoo Search floats the best cases to the top of your results while Case-Chat uncovers hidden details within those cases. You can multiply your output while improving research quality!

How do I get started?

CanDoo is currently only available through the Chrome browser as it is still in Beta mode. We are building more functionalities to make the tool work on different databases and through different mediums.

What makes CanDoo answers so reliable?

It is our mission to create fully-trustable AI systems for Legal professionals. CanDoo supports every answer with links to relevant text in the case document from which the model is deriving it's answers, meaning every answer is fact-based with references.

What subscriptions are being offered and which plan is suitable for me?

CanDoo is currently in beta phase and is free to use for now. We plan to keep certain features free to promote AI-based legal tools. We plan to have multiple offerings, ranging from improving your CanLII experience to law-firm focused offerings to specialize their own Case-Chats.

What makes you different than copy/pasting legal cases into Chat-GPT?

We are building our AI system to be fully in-house, meaning we have complete control and security. This helps us make CanDoo safe and secure for you and helps specialize our AI better for your usage! Also, this means we won't make up fake answers like Chat-GPT ;)