
Query Composer: Don't learn to talk to a database


  • Optimized Search Queries: Automatically transforms your search terms into a boolean query with synonyms to bring out more related documents out of CanLII.
  • Enhanced Search Results: Uses Wordnet and Blacks law dictionary to find exact matches and to derive legal synonyms.
  • Relevant Suggestions: Given your search query and the search results on CanLII, we provide many words and phrases to help you narrow down the results based on you're looking for.

How to use Query Composer

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your CanDoo account.
  2. Navigate to the CanLII search page.
  3. Click on the gold search button at the top right corner to open the side panel.
  4. Start by typing your query in the "Document Text" input bar as you would normally do and click on the gold search button.
  5. Your query will be transformed to a boolean query more suited for the CanLII search engine. The boolean query will include closely related terms along with important ones you provide. CanDoo may remove words from query and set the necessary filters in the UI.
  6. You can quickly manipulate the query by removing (deselecting) terms on the left and adding (selecting) terms on the right.
  7. Optimizations on the query are not performed if you add any of these operators to the query: AND, NOT, EXACT, !, /p, /P, /s or /n. However, we still provide relevant words and phrases as suggestions which you can add to your query.

Next Step: Case-Memo
Quickly extract key information from cases